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The very nature of autism causes a host of additional symptoms and co-occurring conditions that make life more difficult for those on the autism spectrum. If you or your child feels overwhelmed by problems like anxiety and anger, the caring Kaya Life team can help. As highly trained medical professionals specializing in medical marijuana, they have the expertise to answer your questions about medical marijuana for autism. Call the office in Gulfport, Mississippi, or connect online today to schedule a consultation.

What is autism?

Autism (autism spectrum disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disability that arises from differences in brain development and causes a wide range of abilities and challenges. Though it can be identified by age 2, many children aren’t diagnosed until later.

Each child with autism has unique strengths and weaknesses and symptoms varying from mild to severe, but they all share core challenges:

Repetitive behaviors and restricted interests

Autistic people engage in repetitive behaviors, such as hand flapping, rocking, lining up items, putting things in order, and insisting on the same routine.

They also focus on a specific interest. Although they have a wide range of interests as a group, and each person’s interests may change, one interest consumes their time and attention.

Communication and socialization challenges

Nearly one-third of children with autism don’t talk but may gradually learn to speak or communicate with assistive technology. Others on the autism spectrum talk continuously but only about their particular interest.

People on the autism spectrum also struggle with socializing because they don’t intuitively know how to start or have a reciprocal conversation.

How is autism treated?

Early intervention helps autistic children achieve their best, but therapy at every age, even continuing throughout adulthood, leads to remarkable improvements in skills and behaviors. 

Parents can choose from many possible therapeutic approaches, finding the one that works best for their child.

There aren’t medications specifically for treating autism, but several can diminish issues frequently faced by people with autism, such as anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, anger, and aggression.  

How does medical marijuana help people with autism?

Marijuana has the potential to reduce many different symptoms and behaviors associated with autism, including:

  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Aggressiveness
  • Hyperactivity
  • Self-harm
  • Sleep problems

Using medical marijuana may improve sensory sensitivity, attention, and social interaction in some people with autism.

Mississippi law allows minors to use medical cannabis if they’re certified by a registered provider and their parent or caregiver agrees to take responsibility for the drug.

However, there may be unique risks associated with marijuana use in autistic children and teens. Our caring providers work closely with each patient and their parents, ensuring they understand potential risks and benefits and make an informed decision that’s best for them.

Call the office or book an appointment online today to learn if you or your child is a good candidate for medical marijuana.

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