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Diabetic/Peripheral Neuropathy



Neuropathy is a general medical term used to describe conditions that develop due to damaged peripheral nerves. It’s estimated that more than 20 million Americans suffer from some type of neuropathy, including diabetic or peripheral neuropathy. Though symptoms can vary depending on the type of nerves affected, neuropathic pain is a common complaint. The clinicians at Kaya Life can talk to you about how medical marijuana can help manage your neuropathic pain. Call the office in Gulfport, Mississippi, or request an appointment online today.

What is neuropathy?

Neuropathy refers to medical conditions that occur when peripheral nerves are damaged or destroyed. These nerves connect your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body, including your limbs and organs.

Nerve damage may develop from many causes, including an injury, a vascular issue that affects blood supply, or an autoimmune disorder. 

However, diabetes is the most common cause of neuropathy. This type of neuropathy is called diabetic or peripheral neuropathy.

What are neuropathy symptoms?

Your peripheral nervous system consists of three types of nerves, and your neuropathy symptoms depend on the type of nerve that’s been damaged. The nerves and their symptoms include:

Sensory nerves

Sensory nerves are responsible for relaying sensations from your body to your brain. You may feel tingling, pain, or numbness if sensory nerves are damaged.  

Motor nerves 

Your motor nerves control muscle function and coordination. Damage to these nerves may cause muscle wasting or weakness and painful muscle cramps.

Autonomic nerves

Your autonomic nerves regulate the organs and systems you don’t have to think about, such as digestion, blood pressure, and body temperature. If your autonomic nerves are damaged, you may experience digestion problems, uncontrolled sweating, or changes in blood pressure. 

If you have a neuropathic condition, it’s not unusual for all three types of nerves to be affected in some way. 

How is neuropathy treated?

Treatment for neuropathy may depend on the type and location of nerve damage, as well as your symptoms and the underlying cause. Your treatment may include medication, surgery, properly managing diabetes, and/or use of a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator (TENS) unit. 

Am I a good candidate for medical marijuana for my neuropathy?

According to the Mississippi medical marijuana law, neuropathies (including diabetic/peripheral neuropathy) are a qualifying diagnosis for the use of medical marijuana. The experienced team at Kaya Life determines if you would benefit from medical marijuana during a comprehensive evaluation. 

If so, you can apply for a medical marijuana card using the Mississippi Department of Health’s Mississippi Medical Cannabis Portal Program and legally purchase medical marijuana from nearby dispensaries. 

Though research is still in its infancy, medical marijuana may alleviate neuropathic pain. This natural therapy may also improve depression and anxiety, which are common symptoms that develop in those with neuropathy.

Call the Kaya Life office or request an evaluation using the online booking feature today. 

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