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Severe or Intractable Nausea


Severe or Intractable Nausea

Chronic or severe nausea can create discomfort that interferes with your ability to work or complete your daily routine. At Kaya Life in Gulfport, Mississippi, the experienced team of clinicians provides medical marijuana recommendations for qualifying patients with severe or intractable nausea. If you suffer from debilitating nausea and want relief from medical marijuana, call Kaya Life or book an appointment online today.

What is severe nausea?

Nausea is a sick, unpleasant sensation in your stomach. This sensation often precedes vomiting, but not always. Nausea is a common symptom of many different medical conditions, such as pregnancy and the stomach flu, but occurs independently.

Bouts of nausea, including intractable (difficult to manage) nausea, may come on suddenly and unexpectedly, or they can happen in response to a particular trigger, such as chemotherapy treatments or an anxiety attack.

Chronic nausea can keep you from work and enjoying the things you love.

What causes nausea?

Medical conditions that may cause severe nausea as a symptom include:

  • Crohn’s disease
  • Anxiety disorders
  • PTSD
  • Hypoglycemia

The treatments for these medical conditions may cause nausea as a side effect:

  • Cancer
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Hepatitis C
  • Lupus

Nausea is a side effect of some medications. 

How effective is medical marijuana at treating nausea?

Cannabis has long been known to possess antiemetic properties, with several research studies dating back to the 1970s supporting the plant’s effectiveness at reducing nausea. In some cases, cannabis works even better than prescription antiemetic medications.

Studies also show that combining medical marijuana with prescription antiemetics may enhance the effects of both treatments. This suggests that you can use medical marijuana on its own or in combination with another antiemetic treatment.

What other symptoms typically occur with nausea?

Nausea often appears with a variety of other symptoms, many of which are approved for medical marijuana treatment. One of the benefits of medical marijuana is that you can use one medicine for multiple symptoms instead of taking several pills.

Some medical marijuana-approved symptoms that may occur with nausea include:

  • Chronic pain
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Reduced appetite
  • Fatigue

How can I legally obtain medical marijuana to treat nausea?

According to Mississippi medical marijuana law, severe or intractable nausea is a qualifying condition for medical marijuana use. 

First, you discuss your symptoms, concerns, and medical history during an initial consultation at Kaya Life. If medical marijuana may be an appropriate treatment for your severe nausea, your specialist can write you an official recommendation. 

You can obtain a medical marijuana card using the Mississippi Department of Health’s Mississippi Medical Cannabis Portal Program.

You can purchase your medical marijuana at a licensed cannabis dispensary in Mississippi.

If severe or chronic nausea is interfering with your life, call Kaya Life or schedule a consultation online today.

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